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On Nature

Flipping through the populated pages of Nature, Sound Art and the Sacred by David Dunn, David outlines the barrier between human to nature and the humanity in nature. David reposes the question brought on by Cage that sound making activities are music. David continues to connect that vibrations exist in all the things of nature. There is more evidence to this than David may realize, the very basic elements of matter has its own frequency. David explores the outdoor performance and composition on tape. The first part interacts with the difficulty of mockingbirds, while reading this I was curious that this may be better recreated in current times. David says the result was close to square waves, square waves are more common in digital communication and native to modern music distribution. The second part more involves a hybrid approach. This exploration of art is hard to wrap around. Nature does present music intrinsic but not all of it is music in form. Music has meter, tempo, and style.

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